Sukhasana- Easy pose

“Come to a comfortable sitting position.”


Most people probably find themselves in Sukhasana, which is a simple cross-legged sitting position. This pose should be performed without any force on your hips, knee joints, lower back or anywhere, therefore it is easy and relaxing.

Imagine that your sit bone roots into the ground and feel your spine is extending to the sky. Your shoulders are relaxed so that your heart opens to take up a big inhale through your nose. As you release the air out through your nose, you create this amazing sensation of security and calmness.

Your shoulders are aligned to your hips. Your head sits effortlessly on your spine. Your palms gently placed on your knees upwards or downward, choose your favorite variation or experiment the opposite if you are accustom to one.

Don’t even try forcing yourself be in this pose, instead just observe your breaths and body.

If you find yourself slouching, let your breath guides you to lift up. Although this is an “easy pose”, it might be hard for those who have serious back issues, knee problems and extremely weak abdomen.

If modifications are necessary, here is how…

For knee problems, straight your effected knee until the pain disappears. Be gentle.

For hip problems, place pillows/blankets/blocks underneath of your knees to support the lift. When you sit in Sukhasana, naturally knees go downward which opens hips wider. This may cause some pain for some people.

For back and abdomen problems, get support by sitting on a cushion/pillow/bolster etc. It gives extra comfort and support to enhance the spine extension. You also can sit against a wall. Be patient and work with your body without forcing.

Feel your aligned body and peaceful mind…!