Paschimottanasana- Seated forward bend

“Let’s humble your body…”


Paschmottanasana is probably the most well recognized forward bending pose in yoga practice. Not only forward bend is a great way to loosen and stretch your back and legs, but also a perfect way to release your ego, stubbornness and to humble your mind.

As you stretch your body, you are also stretching your mind. By calming your breaths in this uncomfortable pose will open up the possibilities to overcome your limitations.

Recognizing limitation is wonderful because it will question you what needs to be done in order to enhance your potential. So don’t hate yourself just because you cannot be in the perfect place you wish to be, instead, let’s accept what is for now.

Come onto your sit bone and your legs outstretched. Feel your sit bone firmly roots into the ground so that your spine extends all the way to the sky as you inhale. Calm your mind with few deep breaths through your nose.

When you are ready, take a biggest inhale and start humbling your upper body close to your legs. As you move forward, exhale and feel the nice stretch on your back of your legs, knees, ankles.

Let’s keep your feet flexed and gently grab your toe if you can. Don’t force yourself to be where you want to be. Be mindful where you can stay comfortably. The beauty of practicing yoga is that you will realize how far you have come by practicing everyday. So don’t rush. Don’t worry. You will get there eventually.

Feel your mind is accepting your ego and body. Stay with your breaths when you want to get out from somewhere uncomfortable. Stay here for two more breaths, but learn to listen to your body at the same time.

When your body feels open and surrender, slowly bring your torso upward to sit straight. And be in this moment to observe how your body is flashing all the toxins that had been stuck in your body.

Paschimottanasana increases flexibility in hip joints and hamstrings.It massages your abdominal muscles and organs. If you tend to constipate, this is a great pose to incorporate in your daily life. You can easily do this pose 5 times before you go to bed or when you just wake up.

Forward bend is a relaxing pose, however, if you have a serious knee injuries, back issues or hernia, you should be really mindful to practice this pose.

If your knees hurt, try to bend your knees until the pain goes away.

If your back hurts, bend your knees and bring them closer to your chest. If possible, grab your toe and open your chest as you inhale. Keep your back straight as much as possible. If any pain occurs, release the pose and be very careful moving the painful part of your body. Learn why the pain occurs. It is most likely linked to your daily habits.

Humbling ourselves will open up our new possibilities!